Digital Transformation – An Existential Question for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Digital technologies are essential for economic success. The focus is often on new business models and digital services to retain existing customers or acquire new ones.
This applies to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as well as to large companies.
Automation and digitization of processes and services
Processes in the company are automated and thus simpler, more efficient and products and services are available more quickly.
Digitization is the basis of eCommerce
Digitization is the basis for mapping digital purchasing processes; this is how smart and intelligent procurement processes can be mapped digitally. Likewise, such digital procurement channels are at the same time the basis for successful digital sales.
According to research conducted by the EU Commission before the Corona pandemic, only 15 percent of small and medium-sized companies had successfully established digital technologies. Among large companies, the figure was 54 percent, but even these figures attest to only a deplorable level of digitization among German companies.
Many retailers now have their own online store, many doctors have an appointment booking system, and many companies have logistics software for optimized warehousing and shipping.
Focus on IT security and data protection in digital transformation
In the era of home offices, numerous companies have had to ensure a secure connection of the home workstations to the company’s own IT system. Cloud strategies and IT security continue to be a headache for many companies. However, a secure and data protection-compliant solution can be found for every phase of digitization.
For the majority of digital-savvy small and medium-sized enterprises, digitization is already part of their daily business. A large number of small and medium-sized companies are far from being digitally ready. Even among large companies, digitization is not yet running smoothly. Here, proprietary interfaces, a lack of awareness or inadequate security with regard to IT security are the main causes of difficulties.
IT standards, interoperability and high data quality in the focus of digitization
Digitization strategies should focus in particular on inadequate interoperability and the sometimes poor quality of data.
Significant investments in digital infrastructure and staff training are also required. Today, digital broadband data lines and software are far more important than traditional hardware investments.
More and more companies have recognized the benefits of the cloud and software as a service scenarios.
IT teams and employees must be equipped with digital competence, trained further, and often recruited.
Customers demand digitized processes and digital services
For their part, customers also demand digital services. Customers place high demands on digital processes, such as excellent usability. This also includes fast response times and services available around the clock. Such 365-24-7 concepts repeatedly present companies with enormous challenges.
At the same time, competitive pressure is increasing for companies: Customers have a wide range of choices and can therefore choose between diverse options.
Digital channels and social media are indispensable for SMEs
No company today can afford to continue doing without digital channels and social media.
Digital transformation: Digitization makes social media and digital channels indispensable
Digital transformation: customer centricity from the customer perspective
From the customer’s perspective, high-quality information on products, services and offers is particularly important. Of course, this also includes metadata about the product and its availability. This is followed by seamless information on delivery status and product services after purchase.
Easily accessible information, high quality data, excellent usability
Assessments and easily accessible information should not be neglected either. This includes the area of personnel and employee information. After all, it is important to retain good employees and attract well-trained specialists for the company.
Digital Transformation with Large-Scale Agile Frameworks
Large-Scale Agile Frameworks – Agile Frameworks, Agile Infrastructure and Pragmatic Solutions for Digital Transformation – English Edition
The book is published by Springer Vieweg and has the ISBN 978-3-662-67781-0. The digital edition, can be found as an eBook under the ISBN 978-3-662-67782-7.
Practical tips & recommendations for digital transformation
Digital transformation with large-scale agile frameworks are practical process models and directly usable recommendations based on real project experience from countless IT projects.
The typical problems and issues that project participants and stakeholders are confronted with during digital transformation are addressed. Agile prioritization is regularly a challenge for all participants.
You will learn how to define clearly defined goals for the digital transformation of your organization and thus actively shape the change to agile working methods. In doing so, the importance of agile processes and the large-scale agile frameworks are presented in detail step by step.
All relevant agile concepts and basic terms are explained. The Action Design Research method provides you with a modern approach to practice-oriented problem solving in organizations.
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